Have your say on new park
A meeting is to be held on Thursday 24th January in Cowdenbeath Leisure Centre at 7.30pm to discuss the future provision of skate parks in Cowdenbeath, Kelty, Benarty, Lochgelly and Cardenden. Currently the park in Kelty which is well used has been reduced and is no longer fit for purpose due to the equipment becoming obsolete and old. In Benarty there is no provision at present.
The meeting is open to anyone with an interest in skateboard parks and will be an opportunity to have your say over what kind of provision we should have in the future as we look to fund new provision in the towns and villages that make up the Cowdenbeath area. It is clear that there is a demand in all the communities for this kind of facility and we therefore want to put in place a strategy for provision in the area. The local youth workers will beorganising through the youth clubs and will be able to assist with transport for any young person wishing to come along. If any person would like to come along to the meeting to join the discussion and give us their views then they would be very welcome. If you need transport you should go into the local community centre and register their interest.
A draft strategy paper has been written by council officials setting out what kind of facilities could be put in across the area and this will be used as a starting point for the discussions. Copies of this paper will be available in the young clubs and community centres prior to the meeting on the 24th and the paper will be presented to the next area committee meeting along with the views and outcomes of the consultation meeting.
We have this draft paper and it proposes smaller provision in Kelty, Benarty, Lochgelly and Cardenden with a larger facility being put into Cowdenbeath to serve the area for more experienced users, but it is important that those people who use these parks give us their views on the best options for developing provision in the Cowdenbeath area. In Kelty the current provision is in the Blairadam Park but is perhaps not the best location and the move to the Avenue Park at Elmwood has been suggested for any new facility.
I know that skateboarding and biking activity attracts many hundreds of young people in Kelty and Benarty and I hope that if you are interested and participate in such sport and leisure activity you will come along to the meeting on the 24th and give us your thoughts and views.
Meeting Thursday 24 January Cowdenbeath Leisure Centre Cowdenbeath 7.30 -9.30pm
Any person needing support to get there contact your local community centre.