Apprenticeship and Training Priority

    In May this year Fife Labour set out a key pledge to support and help create more apprenticeship and training places for Fife’s young people. Now some seven months on since taking control of the Fife Council administration at that election, Fife Labour has brought forward and agreed through Fife Council a £5m […]

Council to clarify legal powers to tackle derelict buildings

  Fife Council leader Alex Rowley has used a derelict building in Kelty to highlight the need for Fife Council to review the powers it has to address ‘such dereliction’ in local communities and has pledged to take a campaign to the Scottish Parliament for more powers. Mr Rowley said; “I have asked officials from property, […]

Kelty Main Street spruce up!

Painting work begins on Kelty Main Street       Work begun this weekend on freshening up a number of buildings on Kelty Main as part of on-going improvement works to the village centre. The Cowdenbeath Area Committee recently agreed to pay £10,000 towards the £17,000 project. Local councillor Alex Rowley welcomed the start of […]


NEW HOUSES WELCOMED   A housing development which will bring 31 new houses into the rented market has been hailed as ‘innovative’ and ‘much welcomed’ by Fife Council leader Alex Rowley and Cowdenbeath Area chair Willie Clarke. Both councillors met with Kevin Sharp, director of Sharp Homes, who, in partnership with Ore Valley Housing Association, […]

Call for action on fence

Call for action on fence. Alex Rowley highlights the problem of the motorway fence in Kelty. Lochs councillor Alex Rowley is stepping up his campaign to get a motorway fence which he says is ‘dangerous’ and ‘an accident waiting to happen’ repaired. Mr Rowley told the Times that he has been making representations over many […]

Time out for turbines

    Massive profits but not for communities!  As the numbers of land based wind turbine applications continues to grow across Fife, Fife Council has now put in place a review of the current guidelines and landscape capacity assessment for land based turbines that will see a far reaching consultation take place across Fife and […]