Scotland’s Hearts Need More

BHF Scotland have shared with me the most recent data on the waiting times crisis in cardiology services across Scotland, following their hosting of a parliamentary reception. They have specifically included data for NHS Fife, Forth Valley and Tayside which can be seen below.

This is part of the launch of their Scotland’s Hearts Need More campaign, which revealed that waiting times for cardiology services in Scotland are at their highest level on record.

More than 24,000 people were waiting for a cardiology appointment as of September 2024, a 252% increase on the number waiting in 2019 and an increase of 1,000 in just one year. 

Of these, more than 14,000 had been waiting for longer than the Scottish Government target of 12 weeks and 1,184 longer than a year – a 56% increase from September 2023.

BHF Scotland are planning on building on the momentum from the reception to further conversations with clinicians that have shaped our policy calls. Please have a look at the local and national data below:


Post Author: Alex Rowley