Rosyth residents fundraising

Alex Rowley joins the coffee morning fun!
Alex Rowley joins the coffee morning fun!





A group of Sheltered Housing residents and their friends have called on the support of their local MSP Alex Rowley to assist them in raising money to get a new TV in their tea lounge.

Residents of Calum McDonald Court in Rosyth have been holding fundraising events as they want to buy a TV and licence so they can enjoy watching films and socialising in the long winter afternoons. Since there old TV packed in they have missed coming together in the lounge for the afternoon films and all the socialising that goes with it.

Cowdenbeath MSP Alex said he had visited the sheltered housing complex recently when carrying out street surgeries and a number of the residents had invited him along to their last coffee morning of 2014. He said; “Residents had invited me to come along to the last coffee morning of this year as they free up December for festive activities and I had taken along a bottle of Scottish Parliament whisky which they told me they would keep for the raffle they have to raise money for the new TV. I have now signed up to helping them with this fundraising and will be approaching local businesses as it would be grate if we could get this to happen for the winter months”.

He added; “Shelterd and supported housing for older people is how we should be proceeding with house building. Calum McDonald Court is an example of a great facility and with a rising elderly population we need more of these kinds of facilities”.


Photo: Alex  Rowley joins with residents and friends for a coffee morning at Calum McDonald Court

Post Author: Alex Rowley