BiFab Still Losing Out

Huge subsidies from UK taxpayers, expensive energy bills, and now more work going abroad for Scottish offshore renewables projects – we are being taken for a ride. We need a proper green industrial strategy that sees work going to Scottish yards for Scottish projects I asked the First Minister about this in Parliament given that […]

Coronavirus Shows Need for Massive Expansion of Health and Safety Representatives in Workplaces

There needs to be a massive expansion of health and safety representatives in workplaces across the country as part of the measures needed to address concerns about returning to work during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Speaking in the Scottish Parliament, I challenged the government to set out how the law would be enforced to ensure […]

Registration of Marriages and Civil Partnerships Update

Registration of Marriages and Civil Partnerships – Update from the Scottish Government A marriage or civil partnership ceremony may not proceed in Scotland without the preparation of a marriage or civil partnership Schedule by a local registrar once they have processed notices of intention to marry/enter a civil partnership. Where a religious or belief marriage […]

Federation of Small Businesses Resources & Events

Please see the below info from the Federation of Small Businesses: FSB resources and events to support Scottish small businesses As the Federation of Small Businesses’ (FSB) latest business confidence survey shows, the coronavirus crisis has put an unprecedented level of pressure on Scotland’s small business community. FSB has therefore launched a new series of […]

Coronavirus Shielding Overview & Common Questions

Overview Shielding is for people, including children, who are at very high risk of severe illness from coronavirus (COVID-19). Shielding measures should be used when an extremely vulnerable person is living in their own home, with or without additional support. This includes extremely vulnerable people living in long-term care facilities. On 24 March the Scottish […]

Revised PPE Guidance from Cabinet Secretary

Please see the below letter sent from the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport copied to all MSPs: “Revised PPE guidance In response to the emerging epidemiology and evidence, urgent work has been under way to review the existing UK-wide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) guidance and today the revised guidance has been published. The guidance […]

Gender Recognition Act Briefing

I recently asked SPICe (The Scottish Parliament Information Centre) for a briefing on what the issues are and where the powers sit around transgender issues and the gender recognition act reforms. Below is a factual brief prepared by SPICe that looks at the issue objectively – there is a lot of misinformation around this issue […]