“Disappearances” of Birds of Prey

I have raised concerns in the Scottish Parliament about the large number of iconic birds of prey that “disappear” over driven grouse moors in Scotland.  I raised this issue following the suspected death of another bird of prey on a driven grouse moor in Highland Perthshire earlier this year, where a young golden eagle’s satellite […]

Hate Crime Bill

I have urged the Justice Secretary to go back to the drawing board to address fundamental problems with the Scottish Government’s proposed Hate Crime Bill. The draft legislation has drawn criticism from across civic Scotland, with concerns being raised by the Law Society, the Scottish Police Federation, the Catholic Church and the National Secular Society. […]

UK Internal Market Bill

The UK Internal Market Bill sees Boris Johnson playing fast and loose with the UK union. It is difficult to believe that the Scottish Tories are willing to put Johnson and his interests before the interests of the people of Scotland. The devolved Governments must now show that Boris Johnson and his Tory cabal cannot […]

Overgrown Gardens

Local authorities powers In terms of overgrown gardens, local authorities have limited powers to intervene to compel a property owner to remove overhanging branches/trees etc. from land which he or she owns. Relevant legislation would be section 91 of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 which gives a local authority power to serve a notice requiring […]

COVID-19 Update for Businesses

This update from the Scottish Government directs businesses to the most up to date information on COVID-19 as we move forward with our economic response.  The Find Business Support website continues to provide details on the assistance available as well as information and advice on how businesses can restart safely through and out of lockdown.   —— The […]

Update on the Scottish Government’s Approach to Physical Distancing

ADVICE FROM THE SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT COVID-19 ADVISORY GROUP 2 July 2020 Advice Commissioned by the First Minister and Chief Medical Officer on Physical Distancing The Group discussed this paper at its meeting of 25 June and concluded that: The fundamental science around distance and transmission remains unchanged. Risk increases with proximity to an infected individual. […]

Brexit: New Trade Deals?

During portfolio questions in the Scottish Parliament, I asked the Cabinet Secretary for Government Business and Constitutional Relations what engagement and discussions the Scottish Government has had with the United Kingdom Government in relation to the forming of new trade agreements. See the question and response below: Link to transcript

Coronavirus Legislation

The Scottish Parliament has passed two bills of emergency legislation in relation to the COVID-19 global pandemic. Both these bills contain temporary measures that will be in place until such a time as no longer required. They both have time limits and will cease to have legal effect unless parliament votes to extend the application […]