Fair Hospitality Charter

  I was pleased to sign my support for Unite’s Fair Hospitality Campaign today in the Scottish Parliament. In the wake of the success of the Better than Zero campaign in forcing some of Scotland’s most exploitative employers in the hospitality industry to change their ways, Unite Scotland have launched the Fair Hospitality Campaign – a campaign which […]

Child Poverty (Scotland) Bill

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r15Ns4kVbo[/embedyt] In 2017 poverty amongst children and adults is on the rise. This cannot be right – it is not right – and we need government to accept responsibility.   Nelson Mandela once famously said: “Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty […]

Community Care must be Quality Care

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agUH6yh0_8g[/embedyt]   Last week I raised with the First Minster a report published by Age Scotland that showed around 8,680 people in Scotland wait longer than six weeks for a care assessment and that potentially 8,550 older people may have waited longer than the maximum waiting period for a care package to be put […]

Edinburgh Airport Proposed Flightpath Changes

This week I spoke in the Scottish Parliament in a member’s debate brought forward by my colleague Neil Findlay MSP. Mr Findlay had table the following motion for debate:   Motion S5M-04708: Neil Findlay, Lothian, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 20/03/2017 Flawed Airport Consultation That the Parliament notes what it sees as the growing concerns about […]

Air Passenger Duty

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgHmzJLKL_Q[/embedyt]   This week in the Scottish Parliament the Air Departure Tax Bill had its Stage One reading. I am supporting the draft Bill at Stage One as it is an enabling Bill to give the parliament devolved powers over Air Passenger Duty as was agreed through the Smith Commission on further powers for […]

Reject the Tories & their hard-brexit

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjHWHt0W5FQ[/embedyt]     The Tories brought about Brexit in order to try and sort out their own internal rows over Europe and deal with the UKIP threat to their vote. The Tories have created wider inequality and deeper poverty across our country since taking power in 2010. A Tory hard-brexit is a threat to […]

Scotland’s Future

  This week I spoke in the debate in Parliament on Scotland’s Choice over a second independence referendum. I wanted to emphasise the point that we can have a discussion in Scotland about the future direction of our country and people can disagree without being nasty or vicious to others. We must categorically treat each other […]