Lochgelly Firm Wins Award for Best Hard Landscaping Display in the UK

I raised a motion in the Scottish Parliament recognising the success of Lochgelly firm Cartmore Building Supplies winning the UK Builders Merchant Award for Best Hard Landscaping Display in the UK.

Please see the motion as raised in Parliament below:

Motion Number: S6M-07048
Lodged By: Alex Rowley
Date Lodged: 01/12/2022

Title: Lochgelly Firm Wins Prestigious UK Builders Merchant Award for Best Hard Landscaping Display in the UK

Motion Text

That the Parliament congratulates Cartmore Building Supplies from Lochgelly on winning the UK Builders Merchant award for the Best Hard Landscaping display in the UK; notes that Cartmore moved to new premises in May 2021 and had former Prime Minister, Gordon Brown open its new landscaping display in May 2022; understands that the display spans over 1000m2 and has received significant recognition from trade and retail customers culminating in being formally recognised as the best in the UK, and further believes that this is great news for Cartmore, all the businesses that supported them and the wider Lochgelly community.

Post Author: Alex Rowley
