International Workers’ Memorial Day 2019


Trade Union members and local politicians came together this weekend in Fife to lay wreaths and mark International Workers Memorial Day.

The motto of Workers’ Memorial Day has always been to “remember the dead: fight for the living” and trade unions are asked to focus on both areas, by considering events or memorials to remember all those killed through work but at the same time ensuring that such tragedies are not repeated. This can best be done by building trade union organisation, and campaigning for stricter enforcement with higher penalties for breaches of health & safety laws.

Whilst the labour and Trade Union movement has made great advances in health and safety people are still killed in the workplace and in a global economy many of our competitors flout health and safety and sell their products into this country, so we must be vigilant and stand up for workers everywhere.

Post Author: alex

Alex Rowley is Fife Labour Leader and councillor for The Lochs