High Street on the agenda
Cowdenbeath MSP Alex Rowley met this week with staff from Boots the Chemist who are based on the Cowdenbeath High Street to hear their views on the High Street and their operations in the town. Mr Rowley said he was very impressed by the enthusiasm of the local staff and the work they were doing to make sure the store was putting in place and delivering important services. He said; “It was good to meet local staff who are really enthusiastic about the services they deliver and I have to say, about Cowdenbeath. This store is working to deliver a wide range of health and support services but also offer an online next day delivery service for any Boots products that are more widely available in the larger stores. I was also pleased to meet regional managers and hear how they are very much involved in town centre initiatives elsewhere and how keen they are to be involved in a programme of renewal for Cowdenbeath High Street”.
The Labour MSP also confirmed that he had in the last few weeks met with the owners of the Crown Hotel on the north of the High Street and said he was now involved in discussions with a number of retailers and the council looking at possible solutions for this part of the high street. Mr Rowley said; “I have talked with council officials and said it is my view we need a bit more drive and energy to make things happen and I now intend to engage with all businesses and I hope the wide community to get the High Street more focus and direction. I know we cannot solve all the economic issues around high streets nor can we change peoples new shopping habits particularly online shopping but that said I do think there is a lot more that can be done than is being done and it is my assessment from looking elsewhere that we need a new approach and renewed focus and determination”.
Photo shows Alex Rowley meeting with local staff at Boots Cowdenbeath