30 OCT Care Package Cuts in Fife Health and Social Care is in crisis but Fife Council’s solution to cut existing care packages is not the answer Post Author: Alex Rowley http://www.alexrowley.org/about/
11 JAN Libraries Are Key Parts of Local Communities I recently met with campaigners protesting proposed closures to rural libraries across Perth and Kinross. Culture Perth and Kinross have...
08 JAN Scottish Government No Closer to Delivering on Lochgelly and Kincardine Health Centre Promise I believe the Scottish Government is betraying communities in Fife as Health Secretary Neil Gray refused to commit to using new NHS...
16 DEC 60% Increase in NHS Patients Waiting Over a Year for Treatment I have raised my concerns over a significant increase in patients waiting over 52 weeks for treatment across NHS Fife since February 2024...
10 DEC Clarity Needed on NHS Fife Long Covid Funding I have raised my concerns over the use of £427,323 in funding intended to support patients suffering from Long Covid as a recent FOI...
09 DEC Funding Needed for Lochgelly and Kincardine Health Centres I have called on the Scottish Government to honour its long-term commitment to funding new health centres in Lochgelly and Kincardine as...