Calls for Urgent Meeting to Discuss Unsafe Fife Fire Service Cuts

A proposed package of massive cuts to Fife’s Fire and Rescue Service is again under the spotlight following calls for an urgent meeting between the Scottish Government and every MSP representing Fife.

I have written to the Minister for Victims and Community Safety requesting an urgent meeting with all Fife MSPs to discuss the proposals which would see the loss of Dunfermline’s 3rd Appliance (Combined Aerial Rescue Platform), Glenrothes’ 2nd Pump, Methil’s 2nd Pump as well as the Height Appliance engine from Kirkcaldy.

The cuts have been met with public outcry with thousands signing a petition against the cuts, as well as condemnation from local politicians, firefighters and the union representing firefighters, the FBU.

People across Fife have been getting in touch stating how worried they are about these cuts, and rightly so. There has been a complete abdication of responsibility from the current SNP Government who are determined to pass the blame for these cuts on to the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service as well as contradictory claims of these being ‘temporary cuts’ which do not add up when what firefighters themselves are reportedly being told are permanent changes.

I am also disappointed that there has been no local discussion before these proposals were announced. It is wrong to impose cuts of this magnitude to our local fire service without thorough local consultation. It is vital that we have a full consultation to discuss the proposals and understand the actual impact of these cuts on Fife communities before any action is taken.

I have written to all representatives in Fife asking them to join the campaign to stop the cuts to our fire services in Fife and hope they all support that call.

The response to date from the SNP Government has been woeful hiding behind what they call operational decisions which is complete nonsense.  When the SNP centralised these services we were assured there would continue to be local involvement, and now, we are being told this is an operational decision and nothing to do with us or the communities we represent despite the fact they are proposing to decimate Fife services.

John McKenzie FBU Scottish Secretary said:

“The cuts being made in Fife will see a huge reduction in fire cover, with three of the current eleven wholetime appliances cut and one of the current two height appliances. The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service will remove appliances and firefighters from stations in Methil, Dunfermline and Glenrothes and additionally further firefighters and the height appliance from Kirkcaldy. The cuts being proposed will remove fire cover from across Fife and will categorically increase the risk local communities and firefighters face.

“The FBU has been on the streets speaking to residents in the communities that will be affected. There is huge public support for our campaign to oppose these cuts, which will see a further reduction in public services across these communities.  

“These cuts are the result of decisions made by the Scottish Government, with over a decade of real terms budget cuts forced upon the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service which has seen 1100 firefighter jobs lost and £57 million of real terms cuts forced on our service since 2013.  We are seeking support from councillors, MSPs and MPs from all parties for our call for the Scottish Government to provide the SFRS with the budget required to keep all our communities safe.”

Post Author: Alex Rowley