Urgent Action Needed to Solve Skills Shortage Crisis

I have called for urgent action from the UK and Scottish Governments to address Scotland’s skills shortage crisis as research from Scottish Engineering found skills pipeline gaps for existing industry are “an immediately stark situation” with “no allowance for the additional demands” of offshore wind, grid infrastructure investment, decarbonising heat energy or green hydrogen production. […]

Libraries Are Key Parts of Local Communities

I recently met with campaigners protesting proposed closures to rural libraries across Perth and Kinross. Culture Perth and Kinross have put forward proposals to close four rural libraries in the area – Auchterarder, Birnam, Comrie and Scone. Culture Perth and Kinross runs libraries, museums and other cultural services on behalf of Perth and Kinross Council. […]

Scottish Government No Closer to Delivering on Lochgelly and Kincardine Health Centre Promise

I believe the Scottish Government is betraying communities in Fife as Health Secretary Neil Gray refused to commit to using new NHS capital funding to deliver on the long-promised new health centres in Lochgelly and Kincardine despite the Scottish Government receiving record new funding for its budget this year. Funding has been announced to replace […]

Lo’gelly Lunches visit Scottish Parliament

I was delighted to welcome eleven volunteers from Lo’gelly Lunches tothe Scottish Parliament this week for a tour and to discuss their ongoing concerns about the lack of food security for individuals. The volunteers have been running Lo’gelly Lunches since 2019, which organises a weekly space every Tuesday between 11:00 and 13:00 for local people […]

Clarity Needed on NHS Fife Long Covid Funding

I have raised my concerns over the use of £427,323 in funding intended to support patients suffering from Long Covid as a recent FOI showed NHS Fife is one of five NHS Scotland health boards that have failed to establish a pathway to refer Long Covid patients at all. The response to the FOI confirmed NHS Fife does not […]

Funding Needed for Lochgelly and Kincardine Health Centres

I have called on the Scottish Government to honour its long-term commitment to funding new health centres in Lochgelly and Kincardine as the Cabinet Secretary for Finance announced new capital funding for NHS projects in the next budget. Funding has been announced to replace Monklands Hospital in NHS Lanarkshire, the Belford Hospital in NHS Highland, […]

Make Christmas Merry for Retail Workers

I am urging the public to make Christmas merry for retail workers by being kind, considerate and respectful to the people who are working hard to ensure shelves are stocked and parcels delivered this festive period. I am raising this as trade union Usdaw have reported over two thirds of retail staff have experienced verbal […]

Action Needed on Disruptive and Violent Pupil Behaviour

I raised the concerns of teaching unions that there is a “lack of response and action” on disruptive pupil behaviour in Fife in a question to Education Secretary, Jenny Gilruth MSP, in the Scottish parliament. I asked when the Education Secretary will move beyond plans and guidance and start to look at what resources are […]