Proposals for Reconfiguration of Minor Injuries Care Units in North East Fife

I have received the following correspondence from Fife Health and Social Care Partnership about proposals for the reconfiguration of minor injuries care units in North East Fife. They are wanting to engage with the local community and ask them to share their views via an online survey about the clinically preferred model being considered. A link to the survey can be found online here:

Proposals for Reconfiguration of Minor Injuries units in North East Fife | Fife HSCP

Monday 24th February 2025

Update for local MPs, MSPs and Councillors

This update is part of our on-going commitment to keep elected members informed of the latest developments at Fife Health and Social Care Partnership that may be of interest to you and your constituents.

Proposals for Reconfiguration of Minor Injuries units in North East Fife

Fife Health and Social Care Partnership continues to modernise and transform health and social care services, to ensure services are safe, effective and person centred.

Proposals for reconfiguration of Minor Injuries care units in North East Fife are being considered due to known risks to sustainability of services within the current model.

These are predominently sustainability of our workforce, access to radiology (which most patients attending MIU require), delivery of care in the right place at the right time and also delivery of best value in line with resources available to us.

As part of this work, a clinically led options appraisal process was carried out for the Minor Injuries Care Services at the Adamson Hospital in Cupar and the St Andrews Community Hospital.

This looked at ways in which the Health and Social Care Partnership can optimise patient care and ensure the sustainability of the service for the future. 

Options Appraisal

The clinically led options appraisal process identified three options for the future of Minor Injuries Care Service in North East Fife. 

The clinically preferred model chosen from that process was the proposal to relocate Minor Injuries services currently delivered at Adamson Hospital in Cupar into one single Minor Injury Unit based at St Andrews Community Hospital.

This recommendation was guided by medical research, expert clinical opinion, and best practice guidelines to ensure decisions are made in the best interests of patient care. 

By optimising services through this proposal, the aim is to help improve clinical outcomes, service user experience, make better use of resources, and provide a more sustainable model for the future.

Giving the community the chance to share their views

We want to engage with the local community and ask them to share their views via an online survey about the clinically preferred model being considered.

This survey will share the options considered in the appraisal and allow us to capture feedback on what this option might mean for people in the community.

The survey will be promoted via the Fife Health and Social Care Partnership channels and social media from today (Monday 24th February 2025).

Those who wish to complete the survey should do so by Sunday 30 March 2025 by clicking this link Reconfiguration of Minor Injuries Units in North East Fife  

We would ask that you help us by sharing the link to the survey to encourage the community to share their views.

Anyone who requires this information in an alternative format can let us know by contacting   

Next steps

Following engagement on these proposals, final recommendations will be presented to the Integration Joint Board (IJB) for final decision.

All Information correct at time of publishing. Issued by the communications team.

Post Author: Alex Rowley