Registration of Marriages and Civil Partnerships – Update from the Scottish Government
A marriage or civil partnership ceremony may not proceed in Scotland without the preparation of a marriage or civil partnership Schedule by a local registrar once they have processed notices of intention to marry/enter a civil partnership. Where a religious or belief marriage or civil partnership is intended, the local registrar must issue the Schedule to at least one of the parties to the marriage/ civil partnership, in advance.
However, for the present time, local registration offices are closed to the public and registrars must currently prioritise and focus on the essential work involved in the registration of deaths and still-births.
Consequently, unless there is a very pressing need for a marriage or civil partnership to take place, such as where one of the parties is seriously ill or about to be posted overseas in the armed forces, or another urgent consideration registrars are not as a matter of course processing marriage or civil partnership notices or completing/issuing marriage and civil partnership schedules. These arrangements will be kept under review by NRS and in the light of current public health guidance. Any ceremonies which do proceed must not contravene the current Health Regulations.
If you have already lodged notice of your intention to marry, or to enter a civil partnership, you should contact the local authority for the area where you lodged notice to discuss how you wish to proceed.
If you consider that it is urgent that your marriage or civil partnership takes place during this period, such as where one of the circumstances set out above, you should contact your intended celebrant and your local registration office local registration office (528 KB PDF) or the National Records of Scotland: We will need you to provide further details of your circumstances.
Your local registrar and the Registrar General for Scotland will consider your request carefully and let you know whether your marriage or civil partnership Schedule can be completed. If your marriage or civil partnership is to proceed, the arrangements must still comply with the current Health Regulations and physical distancing guidance. Guidance is available on the Scottish Government website.