Cancer information and support resources during COVID-19

The Scottish Cancer Coalition is a group of cancer charities that provide cancer services across Scotland. The group’s purpose is to ensure the charities involved work together to best represent and support the needs of individuals and families across Scotland who are affected by cancer. 

In these difficult times, the group is focusing its attention on helping to support people with cancer during the current pandemic. The information below is designed to reassure you that while the country is being asked to stay at home to stay safe, there is still support available to you and those you care about. 

This is a time of uncertainty for us all and a cancer diagnosis further complicates this. The implications of COVID-19 for vulnerable groups have required a change to some cancer treatment plans and this significantly adds to that uncertainty, especially during social distancing and the need to self-isolate. 

The NHS and Scottish Government are working hard to provide the best and most up to date information on changes to appointments, treatments and care plans. Your clinical team will remain the key contact for you and your family. It is important during this difficult time that you keep appointments that have been arranged and continue to work with your clinical team to access the right treatment and medication for your own personal circumstances. 

It is also important that you seek emotional support at this difficult time. Traditionally much of this support would be delivered face to face, however, with the need to reduce face to face work to what is essential only, you may be feeling unsure of what is still available to you. 

The coalition charities have been working hard to deliver their services and support to those staying at home. As much as possible is being delivered by telephone, email and online. This information is designed to help you find your way to these resources and support. Below you will find a list of charities and links to relevant information developed especially for this situation. 

The information and support listed is related to COVID-19 where possible, but please do remember that there is a lot of self-help and self-management information and resources available that will be helpful and useful to you even though it is not specific to COVID-19. We would encourage you to explore all of the websites, online forums and available resources fully. 

The following charities have developed a COVID-19 section on their websites with a wide range of information and suggestions for self help and support. Many also offer telephone and online support. They are listed alphabetically. 

Beatson Cancer Charity  or visit ‘My Light’ 

Bowel Cancer UK  or visit their online forum, or email Ask the Nurse

BrainTumourResearch  for regular updates & advice  

Breast Cancer Now   who have a helpline: 0808 800 6000, an online forum and Someone Like Me service 

Cancer Support Scotland 

Cancer Research UK  who have a helpline: 0808 800 4040 which can provide support

CLIC Sargent also provide live chat  

Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust also provide support services 

Kidney Cancer UK and Kidney Cancer Scotland or call their nurses: 0800 002 9002 or visit friendly online support group  

Leukaemia Care resources include a buddy scheme, online forums, and helpline: 0808 801 0444

Macmillan Cancer Support also have a helpline: 0808 808 0000

Maggie’s  or call 0300 123 1801 or for support or visit their online community 

Myeloma UK has a dedicated information hub, or phone their info line 0800 980 3332 or visit their Ask The Nurse Service  

Pancreatic Cancer UK also have an online forum  and Support Line 

Pancreatic Cancer Scotland 

Prostate Cancer UK  or call their nurses on 0800 074 8383 or email or see them on social media and their online community 

Prostate Scotland 

Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation also available on 0800 358 7200 and at their virtual community 

Target Ovarian Cancer, nurse-led Support Line or In Touch a private Facebook group 

Teenage Cancer Trust

The Brain Tumour Charity  

The Scottish Cancer Coalition is committed to updating this information if and when any changes occur so that you are able to easily find the most up to date information in one place. 

Everyone at the Scottish Cancer Coalition hopes you and your loved ones stay at home, stay safe and stay well. 

Post Author: Alex Rowley