Local MSP Alex Rowley and his constituency team have been carrying out street surgeries in Cardenden this week meeting local people and discussing the issues in the local villages.
Mr Rowley has now written to Fife Council Parks managers asking to meet them for a walk about to look at making improvements in some areas. He said; “I am using some of my time throughout the summer to get round the constituency and pick up on the issues of concern. Whilst the general area of Cardenden, Dundonald and Bowhill is looking good there are some issues like overgrown hedges blocking walkways and overgrown shrubberies.
“There are also issues with speeding in some parts of the villages and I am requesting a meeting with Transportation to see what can be done. The sense of community in the villages is very strong and myself and the staff are enjoying meeting and speaking with so many local people”.
Picture shows Alex with staff David, Connie and Shirley