Cowdenbeath MSP Alex Rowley has thanked everyone who popped into his office last week for a coffee and made a donation towards the Children’s Hospice at Rachael House Kinross. As part of Children’s Hospice week Mr Rowley had agreed to host a fundraising event in the constituency and had invited local groups, organisations and businesses as well as the general public to pop into the office, have a drink and buy some homemade baking.
The morning raised £1000 and Mr Rowley along with his office manager Connie Welsh and staff member Shirley Harkness handed over a cheque to Sarah Secombes of CHAS. At the presentation Chief Operating Officer of Fife Sport and Leisure Trust Wendy Watson was also present and handed over a donation of vouchers for memberships worth over £800 that CHAS will now use in fundraising events to raise more funds.
Speaking to the Times Alex Rowley said; “I want to thank everyone who did baking and everyone who came along and made a donation and although surprised we are delighted that all the donations meant we were able to hand over £1000 to Rachel House. I have visited the children’s hospice in the past and I cannot praise enough the work of staff and the support this facility is able to offer children and families in the most difficult circumstances. I was pleased to host the event and would once again thank everyone who contributed and the vouchers from Fife Sport and Leisure Trust were great as they will now lead to even more money being raised”.
Photo shows Connie Welsh, Sarah Secombes, Alex Rowley, Wendy Watson and Shirley Harkness