‘The case for a new facility for the village is overwhelming’ Alex Rowley
A consultation is to take place over the next few weeks so that everyone in the village can get involved and have a say on what facilities should be in a new community centre for the village.
The Cowdenbeath Area Committee has agreed to submit a bid to the new Community Investment Fund for funding towards a new centre. The proposal is to take the existing centre, the Moray Institute, the local office and the library and incorporate their functions into a new building. Also in the new building will be facilities for the school and it is proposed to use the money in the capital plan that had been put in for a new gym hall and it is intended to build the new 4G sports field using the section 75 planning gain from the new houses development.
A two week consultation to find out what people would like to see in the proposed centre will begin on Monday 3 June and run until Friday 14 June. Paper copies of the consultation will be available from the local office, library, schools, Clentry Nursery, Kelty Community Centre, Moray Institute and GP Surgery as well as in local shops. Alternatively you can visit www.fifedirect.org.uk/keltycentre
Two public consultation events have also been arranged and will take place on:
• Thursday 6 June from 5pm to 8pm at the Benarty Centre. This open evening will enable local people to see the potential for developing a multi-service centre. A number of informal ‘drop in’ tours will take place between 5pm and 8pm. Transport will be provided and should be booked in advance by contacting Kerrie Hutchison, Kelty CommunityCentre on 01383 831313.
• Wednesday 12 June at 7pm in Kelty Community Centre: This session will provide a forum to consult with local people and groups to find out the range of facilities, spaces and services that might be considered for inclusion in the new centre.
The case for a new facility for the village is overwhelming and I hope as many people as possible in the village will take the time to have a look, complete the consultation and or come along to the session and have your say in shaping what a new community facility will look like.