Land based turbines consultation underway


A view from Kelty


Fife Council has begun a consultation on the main issues report for the new Fife Plan with the consultation running through till March
10 this year.


As part of that consultation there are specific proposals for land based wind turbines and where it would be acceptable for further development of wind turbines in Fife. The proposals are contained within the main issues document page 58/60 with a detailed map of proposed development areas on page 60. This is backed up by a detailed report ‘Onshore Wind Energy Strategy for Fife – Cumulative Impact Assessment’ consultation draft report produced by consultants IronsideFarrar and this report is available as part of the background information and can be found at

This is your opportunity to input into what the map of proposed sites for the development of wind turbines and farms looks like. This is a crucial and important consultation as the outcome will set the policy for acceptable land sites for wind turbines for generations to come as the final outcome will become a main part of the development plan for Fife.

This then protects the Council and communities from speculators and profiteers who chance their arm at getting these industrial structures wherever they believe there is a commercial opportunity regardless of the impact on the wider community and environment.

This is therefore a very important document with a set of proposals that every community should be having a look at and where appropriate giving the Council your views.

As well as commenting on line there are drop in sessions arranged for each area of Fife with a session taking place at Beath High School
Cowdenbeath on Wednesday 13 February 3pm to 7.30pm.

Post Author: Alex Rowley